Wicked Bo
Hi! Let me introduce myself! I'm Bo a 21 year old, sex loving Dutch girl! I'm living in Amsterdam with my boyfriend Mike. Since we are both very outgoing, we came up with an idea to start up our own website, and here you can see the result. We are just starting up, and you will see that it will grow in the coming months! We both love to have sex outdoor (and indoor of course!) so that's the main subject of this site! In the future we will also be able to show you some of our wicked home video's and pics of me and my oh so horny girlfriends! We are also working on a live cam show ones or twice a week that will be exclusive for our members! Now some more about us; We are both sportive types, and we love to go biking in the mountains (not that we have any here! So we have to travel to get there!) We also like scuba diving, and travel! And of course we also like having steaming hot sex!! I really love to read a good book, going out to diner with friends, or going to our favourite swingers club! I also love cars and bikes, and so does Mike! If there's a race in the weekends you can almost always find us there! So, I hope that's enough info for you, if you have anymore questions be free to ask! You van reach me at my email,
Date: March 14, 2024